Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Lewis and Clark's Forgotten Trail

We're finally back out on the road! 
Our time at home was great and we accomplished a lot, but we were all getting antsy being in one place for so long, so we tied up our loose ends  (for now) and left Eastern Oregon this morning. 
Because our schedule and overall plan has changed so drastically we spent a lot of time talking and praying about where to go next and we finally settled on Yellowstone National Park. 
We did a little over half the drive today, heading north from John's hometown into Walla Walla, Washington and east from there. We followed Lewis and Clark's Forgotten Trail, the path they took home after reaching the Pacific Ocean, along the Snake, Clearwater, and Louscha Rivers. G and P have studied Lewis and Clark quite a bit, but I realized today how little history says about their return trip, so there were lots of stops today to read historical markers and discussion on how their return trip differed from their initial venture. 
The drive was beautiful and there was a lot of quiet time when everyone was just staring out the window. 
We're calling it a night in Missoula, Montana and driving the rest of the way to Yellowstone tomorrow. 
Here are a few pictures from today's drive that I snapped on my phone...

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